Communications Parameters, Fees and Value-Added Services Ordinance 2009 (KEM-V 2009)

The Communications Parameters, Fees and Value-Added Services Ordinance 2009 (KEM-V 2009, Federal Law Gazette II No. 212/2009 as last amended) defines the public numbering plan and the public dialing plan (as sub-plans for communications parameters), as well as the fees and general regulations applying to value-added services. The ordinance also defines allocation criteria and usage features for the various number ranges as well as the procedure for obtaining usage rights.

Federal Law Gazette
current KEM-V 2009 consolidated (*)
19.10.20166th amendment to KEM-V 2009BGBl II Nr 285/2016further information/remarks
19.05.20145th amendment to KEM-V 2009BGBl II Nr 107/2014further information/remarks
15.11.20134th amendment to KEM-V 2009BGBl II Nr 344/2013further information/remarks
30.06.20123rd amendment to KEM-V 2009BGBl II Nr 224/2012further information/remarks
29.10.20102nd amendment to KEM-V 2009BGBl II Nr 333/2010further information/remarks
14.04.20101st amendment to KEM-V 2009BGBl II Nr 109/2010further information/remarks
07.07.2009KEM-V 2009
Annex: area codes
BGBl II Nr 212/2009further information/remarks
further information to area codes

(*) Remark: consolidated versions of the ordinance are legally not binding.

The ordinance, the amendments and all explanatory remarks are available in German only.