
The Austrian Communications Authority (KommAustria) was set up under the KommAustria Act (KOG) for the purpose of handling the administration of regulatory activities in broadcasting. RTR acts as KommAustria's operational arm in the field of broadcasting regulation, especially for the purpose of providing administrative support.

The Broadcasting Advisory Board was set up as an advisory body for KommAustria and consists of six voluntary members. The board is to be consulted before licenses are issued and programming changes are approved.

The Federal Communications Senate (BKS) was set up as an appeals authority within the Austrian Federal Chancellery in order to review the decisions of KommAustria in matters related to broadcasting regulation. In addition, the BKS is responsible for legal supervision of the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (ORF) and for first-instance decisions under the Act on Exclusive Television Rights (Fernseh-Exklusivrechtegesetz, or FERG).

The pages in this section provide more detailed information on the institutions responsible for broadcasting regulation as well as the other domestic and international authorities which comprise the regulatory environment.

Objectives of broadcasting regulation

Art. 2 Par. 2 of the KommAustria Act (KOG) defines the following objectives for broadcasting regulation:

  • to facilitate market access for new providers;
  • to ensure the diversity of opinions and encourage quality in broadcasting programs, including the technical prerequisites for their dissemination;
  • to develop technical and economic plans for a dual broadcasting market in Austria;
  • to ensure that content providers adhere to European minimum standards, especially in the interest of child, youth and consumer protection;
  • to optimize the utilization of Austria's broadcasting frequency range;
  • to provide expert knowledge on convergence between audiovisual media and telecommunications, and to promote the development of markets in the audiovisual and telecommunications sectors;
  • to create and maintain modern, high-quality communications infrastructure in order to reinforce the high quality of Austria as a media location.