Public Value Advisory Board

Under the amended ORF Act, a new advisory board was established within the Austrian Communications Authority (KommAustria); this group must be given the opportunity to submit comments and opinions on new ORF services in accordance with Art. 6a of the ORF Act. The advisory board is required to evaluate whether new ORF services can be considered appropriate for the effective fulfillment of ORF’s core public mandate and to assess the probable effects of such services on programming diversity for viewers, listeners and users.

The advisory board comprises five members, each of whom is appointed by the Austrian federal government for a term of five years. Members of the review board must have earned a venia legendi/docendi at a university in Austria or abroad, or possess another form of outstanding specialist qualifications. On the basis of their prior academic and scientific work, members of the board must possess specific knowledge in the field of media law, media sciences or business administration and economics.


  • ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andrea GRISOLD (Chairwoman)
  • FH-Prof.Dr. Reinhard CHRISTL (Vice Chairman)
  • Mag. Ruth JAROSCHKA
  • Univ.Ass. DDr. Julia WIPPERSBERG
  • ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Fritz (Friedrich) Hausjell

The establishment and organisation of the advisory board, the reimbursement of travel and other expenses, as well as the compensation of board members for their expenditure of time and effort are governed by an ordinance of the Austrian Federal Chancellor.