
The liberalization of the postal services market has now reached its final stages. By January 1, 2011, the current monopoly on postal services ("reserved postal services") will be opened to competition. Regulatory authorities have been established throughout the European Union, not least on the basis of the general European legal framework, requirements and activities created by EU bodies. The purpose of these new regulatory authorities is to ensure free competition on national markets.

As a result, the Telekom-Control Kommission (TKK), which was set up in 1997 as a panel authority with the powers of a court, was expanded to include a second committee for matters related to postal services as of January 1, 2008, with RTR providing operational support for this authority. The committeee hab been known as the "Post-Control-Kommission" (PCK) since the Postal Market Act was announced.

The pages below provide information on RTR, the PCK and the (international) regulatory environment.