Operator services

The pages in this section contain information which is especially relevant for providers of communications services:

General authorization

Under the Austrian Telecommunications Act 2003 (TKG 2003), providers of public communications networks and services are subject to various obligations vis-à-vis the regulatory authority, including a notification obligation.

A directory of all the companies active in the field of electronic communications in Austria is available at: General Authorization – list of notified services

General terms and conditions and tariffs

Article 25 TKG 2003 obliges providers of public communications networks and services to notify the regulatory authoriy of their terms (general terms and conditions, service descriptions and tariff conditions).

Financing contributions

Operators/providers of public communications services are generally subject to financing contribution requirements. Information on the calculation of these contributions and the relevant procedure can be found on the pages regarding financing contributions.


The Frequencies section describes the requirements for frequency allocations and provides general information on frequency administration in Austria.

Telephone numbers

In general, communications parameters are necessary for the purpose of providing communications services. The Telephone numbers section provides information on the allocation of telephone numbers as well as general regulations in this regard.

Network and Information Security

Under the Telecommunications Act 2003 operators are obligated to secure minimum measurements for security and integrity of their networks and services. The Network Security section gives information about these rules and describes the procedure of reporting security incidents to the regulatory authority.

Information obligations

In addition to the notification obligations imposed on providers of communications services under the Telecommunications Act 2003, the Communications Survey ordinance also defines specific information obligations.

Legal enforcement

The regulatory authority can also provide assistance in the resolution of disputes between operators. In this context, the regulatory authority can rely on various means of legal enforcement.
