BEREC Work Programme 2020

The BEREC Work Programme reflects the tasks, which the National Regulatory Authorities agree upon to be undertaken during the relevant period. They are based on BEREC's five strategic priorities and this year in particular on the requirements of the new European Electronic Communications Code (EECC).
BEREC facilitates the implementation of the Code as well as the harmonised transposition of the Code into the national laws. In 2020, this will result in eight guidelines that the BEREC working groups will compile. Four guidelines are due to be published in March, one in June and three more in December.
In addition to working on the guidelines, the medium-term strategy will be updated for the following years. It should then provide the framework for the new multi-annual Work Programmes from 2021.
This year, BEREC addresses two other important topics. These are security in 5G networks and digital platforms. RTR likewise works on digital platforms and other gatekeepers in 2020 (app stores, search engines, intelligent virtual assistants), for example by developing a monitoring system.
BEREC will continue to seek dialogue and in-depth collaboration with international organisations and regulators. It will keep discussing proactively with the Commission, the Parliament and the Council and advising on new legislative initiatives on digital issues.
Outline of the Work Programme 2021
An outline of the Work Programme 2021 is already available. With this, BEREC wants to enable an discourse about it; for example at the Stakeholder Forum. In October and November this year, the subsequent draft will be publicly consulted for four weeks and the finished Work Programme will be published in December.