BEREC's Medium-term Strategy
BEREC plans its strategic targets of the next three years in the so-called Medium-term Strategy. In autumn of 2017, the strategy for the years 2018 to 2020 was adopted. Before it was adopted, it was discussed in a two-stage consultation process. This means that the paper was also commented by the public and that the comments received are included in the Medium-term Strategy. In this sense, the orientation of the Medium-term Strategy is essentially shaped by the market and is oriented towards the needs of the market.
The BEREC Medium-term Strategy has three major objectives: promoting competition and innovation, promoting the internal market and protecting and informing end-users.
In addition, five strategic priorities have been identified for 2018–2020. They are based on current market developments and are of particular interest to BEREC:
- responding to connectivity challenges and to new conditions for access to highcapacity networks;
- monitoring potential bottlenecks in the distribution of digital services;
- enabling 5G and promoting innovation in network technologies;
- fostering a consistent approach of the net neutrality principles; and
- exploring new ways to boost consumer empowerment.
The BEREC Work Programme 2018 is based on the five priorities identified in the Medium-term Strategy.