What is BEREC?

BEREC (Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications) is a union of the European regulatory authorities which are primarily responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operation of the electronic communications networks and services market. Other institutions that play a key role in the work of BEREC are the European Commission, the EFTA Surveillance Authority, as well as regulatory authorities from the EEA countries and from countries that are candidates for EU accession.

In particular BEREC is requested to:

  • develop and disseminate regulatory best practices among NRAs, such as Common Positions, methodologies or guidelines on the implementation of the EU regulatory framework;
  • on request, provide assistance to NRAs on regulatory issues;
  • deliver opinions on the draft decisions, recommendations and guidelines of the Commission as specified in the regulatory framework;
  • issue reports and provide advice, upon a reasoned request of the Commission or on its own initiative, and deliver opinions to the European Parliament and the Council, when needed, on any matter within its competence;
  • assist the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission and the NRAs in relations, discussions and exchanges of views with third parties;
  • assist the Commission and NRAs in the dissemination of regulatory best practices to third parties.

BEREC is financed 100 % by EU funds of around four million euros per year.


How does BEREC work?

BEREC's Medium-term Strategy

BEREC Work Programme 2020