FAQs about the electronic signature On this page frequently asked questions are answered. Trust ServicesAre certificates issued by certification service providers in other countries valid in Austria?How can an electronic signature be used permanently, even though the certificate is valid for only a limited period?Is a certificate issued by VeriSign, Thawte or CAcert suitable for electronic invoicing?What do I need to be able to create electronic signatures?What expense is incurred by setting up the environment on the user side?What is a certificate?What is a ‘qualified certificate’?What is a ‘qualified electronic signature’?What is a ‘qualified signature creation device’?What is the basis for the security of an electronic signature?What is the difference between a signature and a certificate?What kind of environment needs to set up for the electronic signature on the user side?What later effort is required to maintain the environment?
How can an electronic signature be used permanently, even though the certificate is valid for only a limited period?