Multiband Auction 800/900/1800 MHz (2013) - Results 1800 MHz

The following figure shows the auction's results for the 1800 MHz band (Downlink):

auction result 1800 MHz

Period Jan 1, 2016 - Dec 31, 2019

A1 Telekom Austria AG2 x 25 MHz1710-1735 MHz1805-1830 MHz
T-Mobile Austria GmbH2 x 20 MHz1735-1755 MHz1830-1850 MHz
Hutchison Drei Austria GmbH2 x 5 MHz1755-1760 MHz1850-1855 MHz
A1 Telekom Austria AG2 x 10 MHz1760-1770 MHz1855-1865 MHz
Hutchison Drei Austria GmbH2 x 15 MHz1770-1785 MHz1865-1880 MHz

Details on the staged availability of the frequency blocks can be found in the tender documents in chapter 3.2 (page 13ff).

Period Jan 1, 2020 - Dec 31, 2034

T-Mobile Austria GmbH2 x 20 MHz1710-17030 MHz1805-1825 MHz
Hutchison Drei Austria GmbH2 x 20 MHz1730-1750 MHz1825-1845 MHz
A1 Telekom Austria AG2 x 35 MHz1750-1785 MHz1845-1880 MHz

