European and national targets

European Union

The European Union has made the development of broadband infrastructure in Europe one of its key technological objectives. The 5G Action Plan of the European Commission is an expression of this initiative and is reflected in the national expansion plans of the EU member states.


The 5G strategy published by the Austrian Federal Government in 2018 picks up on the European objectives and sets higher targets at a national level.

  1. By mid-2018, the first pre-commercial 5G test positions will be implemented.
  2. By the end of 2020, the interim goal of a nearly nationwide availability of ultra-fast broadband connections (100 Mbit / s) should be realized. This creates the basis for a nationwide expansion of 5G. At the same time, the market launch of 5G in all provincial capitals is to take place.
  3. By the end of 2023, 5G services should be usable on the main traffic connections and by the end of 2025 the goal of an almost nationwide availability of 5G is to be realized.