Special Communications Parameters Ordinance (SKP-V) and explanatory remarks

The Special Communications Parameters Ordinance (SKP-V, including explanatory remarks) went into effect on October 27, 2003 in accordance with Art. 135 Par. 2 of the Austrian Telecommunications Act 2003 (TKG 2003, Federal Law Gazette I No. 70/2003).

Art. 65 TKG 2003 requires RTR to administer communications parameters and allocate them for use.As the law calls for a transparent, objective and comprehensible allocation procedure, the relevant legal provisions are specified more concretely in this ordinance. Under Art. 63 Par. 1 TKG 2003, the plan for communications parameters may also consist of sub-plans; this ordinance represents such a sub-plan in accordance with Art. 63 Par.1 TKG 2003.

The relevant explanatory remarks can be downloaded below (German version only).
