Wholesale markets for call termination to individual mobile networks: M 1.10/12-99-102 of Sept. 30, 2013

On Sept. 30, 2013, the Telekom-Control-Kommission (TKK) issued four decisions (M 1.10/12-99-102) regarding the analysis of individual mobile termination markets of A1 Telekom Austria AG (A1TA, M 1.10/12-99), T-Mobile Austria GmbH (T-Mobile, M 1.10/12-100), Hutchison Drei Austria GmbH (Hutchison, M 1.10/12-101) and the MVNO Vectone Mobile (Austria) Limited, formerly Mundio Mobile (Austria) Limited (Mundio, M 1.10/12-102). These official decisions identified significant market power of the a.m. mobile operators and imposed, among other, a price control obligation and an obligation to publish, within four weeks from the decision, a reference offer covering the termination service into each operator's mobile network. In a subsequent decision (M 1.12/12-42) dated July 14, 2017, Lycamobile Austria Ltd. was likewise found to have significant market power on its individual mobile termination market; as a consequence, the aforementioned remedies were imposed on Lycamobile as well. 

According to point C.5. of the a.m. decisions, the maximum charge of a mobile operator with significant market power for the service "voice call termination into an individual mobile network" may amount up to Cent 0,201/minute and, from Nov. 1, 2013 up to Cent 0,8049/minute.

The a.m. mobile operators have to keep the a.m. reference offer up to date on a regular basis. In addition, the mobile operators have to inform all interconnection partners as well as the Telekom-Control-Kommission (rtr@rtr.at) by e-mail of substantial modifications of the reference offer at the lastest simultaneously with publication of the modifications.

The reference offers currently applied are published under the URLs listed below:

A1 Telekom Austria AG: http://cdn2.a1.net/final/de/media/pdf/Zusammenschaltungsvertrag_zw_A1TA_u_ANB.pdf

T-Mobile Austria GmbH: https://www.t-mobile.at/pdf/Zusammenschaltungsvertrag2018.pdf 

Hutchison Drei Austria GmbH: https://www.drei.at/media/common/pdf/info/wholesale/referenceinterconnectionoffer-hutchison.pdf 

Vectone Mobile (Austria) Ltd.: https://www.vectonemobile.at/sites/default/files/docs/Interconnection.pdf 

Lycamobile Austria Ltd.: https://s3-eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/lycamobile-austria-website/lycamobile-at-cms/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/15151143/RIO-Lycamobile-Austria_2014_1.pdf 

As an amendment to the a. m. market analkysis decisions, the Telekom-Control-Kommission has issued six decisions on Dec. 21, 2015 (M 1.1/15-46-51) regarding mobile termination charges in the mobile networks of  A1 Telekom Austria AG, T-Mobile Austria GmbH, Hutchison Drei Austria GmbH, Lycamobile Austria Limited and Mundio mobile (Austria) Ltd and likewise in the network of a new entrant, UPC Telekabel Wien GmbH. By those decision, the existing legal position is modified insofar as calls originating from non-member countries of the Euopean Economic Area and terminating in the six a.m. networks are exempted from the existing "Pure LRIC" regulation regarding the amount of the termination rate.