26 GHz (2007) Tender documentation

Publication in accordance with Art. 55 Par. 3 TKG 2003 after approval of the terms and conditions of the invitation to tender by the Federal Minister of Transport, Innovation and Technology:

1. Authority issuing the invitation to tender

Telekom-Control Commission, Mariahilfer Strasse 77-79, A-1060 Vienna, Austria
Fax: +43 1 58058 9191

2. Object of the invitation to tender (frequency spectrum)

24.549 - 25.053 GHz (lower band) / 25.557 - 26.061 GHz (upper band), totaling 2 x 504 MHz; i.e., the duplex frequency blocks No. 1 - 18 with 28 MHz channel spacing according to CEPT Recommendation T/R 13-02 Annex B.

Parts of this frequency spectrum were already allocated in 2001 on the basis of the regulatory authority's tender procedure of September 15, 2000 (RFQZ 5/00).

3. Purpose of use

According to the Frequency Usage Plan (Federal Law Gazette II No. 307/2005), the frequency spectrum mentioned above can be allocated to the operators of public telecommunications networks for the purpose of setting up point-to-multipoint or point-to-point radio systems.

4. Terms of use

The state of the art for point-to-multipoint radio systems is defined in EN 302 326 (Parts 1-3). The features applicable to the launch and operation of point-to-multipoint radio systems in the 26 GHz frequency range are listed in the Radio Interface Descriptions FSB-RR033 and FSB-RR034.

The state of the art for point-to-point radio systems is defined in EN 302 217 (Parts 1, 2-1, 2-2, 4-1 and 4-2). The features applicable to the launch and operation of point-to-point radio systems in the 26 GHz frequency range are listed in the Radio Interface Description FSB-RR013.
Additional details regarding terms of use can be found in the tender documentation provided by the regulatory authority.

5. Tender documentation

Parties interested in a frequency allocation can request the tender documentation from the Telekom-Control Commission in person, by mail or by fax, citing the reference "26 GHz Frequency Allocation." In order to receive the documentation in person (Mon - Fri., 10:00 am to 2:00 pm except for legal holidays), applicants are to pay a fee in the amount of EUR 200.00 to cover the costs of providing the tender documentation. Payment can be effected in cash or by bank check. If the documentation is to be sent by mail, the fee indicated above is to be transferred in advance to RTR GmbH's bank account at Bank Austria Creditanstalt AG, Bank ID (BLZ) 20151, Account No. 696 170 109.
In order to receive the documentation by mail, interested parties are required to indicate their name and address as well as their telephone and fax numbers.

6. Tender submission period

The application for frequency allocation must be received by the Telekom-Control Commission in a sealed envelope or package labeled "26 GHz Frequency Allocation" by February 5, 2007 at 12:00 noon (CET). Applications received after the deadline will not be reviewed.

7. Notice

The tender documents published here are intended for information purposes only. The legally binding tender documents can only be obtained from the regulatory authority in exchange for the fee indicated in Section 5 above.

The tender documentation can be downloaded below:

The English version is a non-bindig translation only.

Note: On December 4, 2006, a minor correction was made in Table 9 in the PDF version of the tender documentation.