2100 MHz (2000) Spectrum

The frequency bands to be used for the terrestrial component of UMTS/IMT-2000 in Europe were defined by CEPT in decisions ERC/DEC/(97)07 and ERC/DEC/(99)25 (http://www.cept.org/). Within the overall bandwidth of 155 MHz allocated for the terrestrial component of UMTS, the 1920-1980 MHz and 2110-2170 MHz ranges (2 x 60 MHz) can be used as paired bands, and the 1900-1920 MHz and 2010-2025 MHz ranges (35 MHz) can be used for unpaired operation. In the unpaired range, the 2010-2020 MHz band is designated "for self provided applications operating in self coordinating mode".

Therefore, a total bandwidth of 145 MHz - 2 x 60 MHz in the paired range and 25 MHz in the unpaired range - was available for allocation to operators (see table below).

Frequency RangeBandwidth
Paired1920 - 1980 MHz
2110 - 2170 MHz
2x60 MHz
Unpaired1900 - 1920 MHz
2020 - 2025 MHz
25 MHz
Total 145 MHz

The frequency spectrum was divided into packages of 5 MHz each. This was done in accordance with Decision ERC/DEC/(99)25 and ensures that all UMTS/IMT-2000 standards can be deployed. In the paired frequency range (2 x 60 MHz), 12 frequency packages of 2 x 5 MHz each (5 MHz from the uplink range and 5 MHz from the downlink range, each with a duplex distance of 190 MHz) are available. In the unpaired range (25 MHz), 5 packages are available (see Section 4 of the tender documentation).