Coverage obligations

A number of coverage requirements are linked to the allocation of frequencies:

  •  Coverage of cadastral communities
  •  Coverage of urban areas
  • Coverage of regional and federal highways
  • Coverage of motorways and expressways
  • Coverage of railway lines
  • Population coverage

The details of the coverage requirements are defined in the allocation notification, the relevant geografical data can be found here and be viewed using a common GIS software (for example, the free Qgis).

Coverage obligations cadastral municipalities

The following figure shows the cadastral municipalities by coverage index:


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The green, orange and red areas represent Austria's permanent settlement area, broken down according to cadastral municipalities. Red and orange areas are poorly or moderately covered cadastral municipalities (around 25% of all cadastral municipalities). These are addressed by the coverage requirements for cadastral municipalities.

The gray, light green and yellow areas describe the non-permanent settlement area, i.e. forest and mountains. This corresponds to about 60% of the area of Austria. These areas are partially covered, but they were not the target of the obligation.
