Network and services
Here you can find the directory of public networks and services for the transmission of broadcasting content and additional broadcasting services reported to KommAustria under § 15 Par. 5 TKG 2003.
Note: This directory also contains networks and services which have been reported to RTR but are not used for broadcasting transmissions ("Telecommunications services"; in parentheses). The directory of reported telecommunications networks and services can also be accessed by clicking the link to the Telecommunications Division: Link to the directory.
All assessment decisions made under § 15 Par. 4 TKG 2003 are published under Decisions.
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A1 Telekom Austria Aktiengesellschaft
Andreas Kraft
ANTENNE HAUS - Verein zur Verbesserung des Kulturangebotes
Antennengemeinschaft Echerntal
Antennengemeinschaft Bezau-Reuthe
Antennengemeinschaft Bimberg
Antennengemeinschaft Bizau
Antennengemeinschaft Sulzberg-Thal-Riefensberg
Anton Zimmermann
ASAK Kabelmedien GmbH