Broadcasting law
The following laws are relevant to the activities of the Austrian Communications Authority (KommAustria) and to broadcasting in Austria:
Constitutional basis of Austrian broadcasting law
- Article 20 of the Federal Constitution Act (B-VG)
- Federal Constitutional Act Ensuring the Independence of Broadcasting (BVG-Rundfunk)
- Article 10 of the European Human Rights Convention (EHRC)
Laws enforced by KommAustria
- KommAustria Act (KOG)
- Private Radio Act (PrR-G)
- Audiovisual Media Services Act (AMD-G)
- ORF Act (ORF-G)
- Act on Exclusive Television Rights (FERG)
- Telecommunications Act 2003 (TKG 2003)
- Press Subsidies Act 2004 (PresseFG 2004)
- Journalism Subsidies Act 1984 (PubFG)
- Access Control Act (ZuKG)
Additional broadcasting legislation
Laws no longer in effect
- Regional Radio Act (RRG)
- Cable and Satellite Broadcasting Act (KSRG) – not available
- Telecommunications Act (TKG)
- Television Signals Act (FS-G)