How do I interpret the test results correctly?
A measurement represents a snapshot of the quality of your Internet access. If test results derivate from advertised speeds, this does not necessarily mean that your Internet provider is not fulfilling the contractual agreement.
- The connection can be impaired by various technological factors like WLAN router, system configuration, etc. (see also influencing factors on the result)
- Despite the good Internet connection to the test server, it can happen that the test server or the connection to the test server is overloaded.
- When interpreting the test results, you should bear in mind that while a (quite high) maximum bandwidth is mentioned in advertising campaigns by most of the providers, a much lower bandwidth is contractually guaranteed.
- Furthermore it has to be taken into consideration that the maximum bandwidth according to the contract (down- / upload) may have an impact on the test result ("traffic-light" representation and map view).
- Typically, the data connection is contractually limited to a certain speed ("up to" speed).