Retail markets for access of residential/non-residential subscribers to the public telephone network at a fixed location: M 1.3/12-92, M 1.4/12-92 dated May 5, 2014

On these markets, the minimum content to be covered in the reference offers of A1 Telekom Austria AG has been laid down in the subsequent section of both market analysis decisions by the Telecom Control Commission with regard to residential and to non-residential customers (M 1.3/12-92, M 1.4/12-92 dated May 5, 2014) as cited below:

Section C.2.2. "A1 Telekom Austria AG has to publish and regularly update a reference offer regarding the voice-over-broadband access product as referred to in Section C.1 within four weeks from entry-into-force of this decision according to Paragraph 38 section 3 of the Telecom Act on its corporate website. This reference offer has to cover the subsequent minimum content in more detail:

  • Procedure with regard to ordering, making available and termination of the services forming part of this offer
  • Provisions regarding scope of the contract, charges and technical requirements to be met by the wholesale partner
  • Ordering, making available, withdrawal (of an order) and cancellation of individual services
  • Provisions regarding number porting being technology-neutral."

A1 Telekom Austria AG has published its reference offer regarding VoB-only as an integrated part (Annex 5) of its reference offer regarding wholesale bitstream services in due time under