Risk Assessments

Telecoms Sector Risk Assessments

Acc. Art. 16a TKG 2003 the regulatory authority has responsibilities regarding the security and integrity of networks and services in Austria. On the basis of the Austrian Cybersecurity Strategy (ÖSCS) and the Austrian Program for the Protection of Critical Infrastructure (APCIP), RTR took the initiative in 2017 and carried out a risk assessment for the telecommunications sector. To ensure the timeliness of the identified risks and the derived action recommendations, a regular reassessment is required. As a result, RTR has recently begun work on the TC Industry Risk Analysis 2020.

5G-Cyber Security Risk Assessment

In addition, at the request of BMVIT and BKA, the regulatory authority reevaluated the telecoms sector risk assessment 2018 for potential risks associated with the introduction of 5G technology. The analysis was completed by RTR in June 2019.


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