Definitions: Network access and interconnection

"Cooperation" among telecommunications networks is crucial to competition. In order to enable competition between alternative providers and companies with significant market power on the relevant markets defined in the TKMVO, new providers must be ensured access to the telecommunications networks of SMP companies by means of network interconnection and (where applicable) local loop unbundling.

Definition of "fixed-link network"
The telecommunications infrastructure for fixed-link services (i.e., the fixed-link network) consists of all installed communication lines (fiber optic lines, coaxial cable and copper wires) and radio links, the accompanying transmission equipment (modems, multiplexers, concentrators, etc.), as well as switching facilities for voice telephony (exchanges, switches) and data transmission (routers, switches).

Definition of "interconnection"
Under Art. 3 No. 25 TKG, interconnection refers to the physical and logical connection of public communications networks used by the same company or different companies in order to enable communication between the customers of one company with customers of the same or another company, or to enable access to the services offered by another company. Services may be provided by the operators involved or by other operators which have access to the network. Interconnection is a specific form of access implemented between public network operators.

Definition of "local loop unbundling"
The term "local loop unbundling" refers to an access requirement which can be imposed on companies with significant market power on the market for unbundled access, including shared access, to metallic loops and sub-loops under Art. 37 Par 2. and Art. 41 Par. No. 1 TKG 2003. In local loop unbundling, the SMP company is required to grant other operators access to the line segments in the fixed-link communications network which connect the local exchange to the subscriber (or parts thereof) for a fee.